Am I childish?

We all have different personalities and we all behave differently in different situations. Some people are called childish while some are called mature as per their behaviour and other things. If you want to know if you are childish then take this quiz to find out.

Am I childish

Being childish means that you behave like a child in some situations. But as well know no one is same we all are different and wel all got different ways to react in a situation so some of us are called childish as per our reactions while others are called mature. Being childish is not bad but it can be if done in wront situations. 

Get to know if you are childish?

If you want to know whether you are childish or not then take this quiz to find out aa this quiz is fun and you will get your answer easily as well. But always be proud of who you are. 


You are childish but not so much. 


You are not childish.