Are you an independent woman?

Women in these times are growing and thriving everyday. Woman are working hard to make themselves known in this world and are growing independent. Are you? So, if you want to know whether you are independent or not then take this quiz to find out.

Am I independent?

Women have been fighting for their rights from a long time and there has been a little progress for them but still there is a lot to be donefor women. There are two different kind of woman one is dependent and other is independent. Dependent woman are the ones who depend either on their family or on thejr partner and indpendent woman are the ones who who do everything on their own. 

Get to know if you are indepenent woman?

If you want to know whether you are indendpent woman or not then take this quiz to find out as this quiz is fun and you will ge to know your answet easily. 


You are independent. 


No you are not an independent woman.