Can you live without your phone?

We in this generation and understand are completely addicted to our phones. Wherever we go phone is the first thing that we have on mind in the last thing is well. So if you want to know whether you can live without a phone or not then you should take this to find out.

Can you live without a phone?

Everyone of us even if we don't want to admit we have to move that we all are completely addicted to phones. Phones are the false saying that we want to check when we wake up and other last thing that we check before we go to sleep. Feels like we don't have phones in a life but our lives in our phone. And with every new upgrade a new kind of phone available in the market it gets more tougher everyday to stay away from phones. But some people can also do it and I can stay way from phone while some people are so addicted that they cannot even think of staying from phone.

Get to know if you can stay away from phone?

So if you want to know whether you can stay away from your phone or not then you should take this quiz to find out because this quiz is very fun and you will get to know your answers very easily


You can stay away from phone.


You cannot stay away from phone.